Saturday, August 25, 2012

Saturday Update 25 August 2012 

Visited with main Doc on Thursday after dismissal from hospital.  My numbers were exceptionally good i.e. Hemo 10.0, Platelets 265 up from 56, ANC 4.24 up from 2.2.

I will begin demethylating treatment on Monday 27 August as an out-patient here in Brevard.  It consists of  5 days of Vidaza injections then 3 weeks off and repeating this for several months.  This drug attacks leukemia cells in a different way by changing cell DNA  which can kill the cells.  Routine blood tests will be used to monitor progress with bone marrow biopsies done periodically.  It will be 4-6 months from now before we will know if Vidaza has done the trick.  So we are in a wait and see pattern holding great hope for a sucessful outcome.

When I asked Dr. Pollack if the 40 days at St. Joe's was a waste of time, he said, "no."  Result of total remission was not obtained but cancer cells were greatly reduced (55% down to 15%).  Platelets jumped from 50's to over 250.  Also when I arrived at the hospital, I was classified as a compromised patient (meaning I had a very low immune system) but my ANC reported on Thursday was well within the normal range.  All good positive results.

It is my intention to post on a weekly basis in the future on Saturdays unless there is a significant piece of news.  I want to thank everyone for their support and prayers during this period.  The cards, notes, e-mails, blog comments have kept me going.  Thank you!

I must sign off as the Redskins are playing their last pre-season game and I need to see how our new man "RG3" does as QB.  Go Skins!!! 

Friday, August 17, 2012

Day 40 - August 17, 2012

Ali Witheridge,  Joyse's daughter, flew in from San Diego, for the weekend.   She brought good luck!

I am being dismissed and will head home at 1600.   Needless to say,  I am ready.  

I will not be recording anymore on the blog unless there is something to report.  I meet with the hematologist on the 23rd to discuss status.

Thank you for your prayers and thoughts.

"And the turtles,of course...all the turtles are free ,as turtles and,   maybe, all creatures should be."  Dr. Seuss.  "Yertle the Turtle" 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

DAY 39- August 16,  2012

Progress continues as ANC rose to 2.4, platelets doubled to left field, and red cells hung on by a spot .

Ike stopped by with lunch.  Some Nurse from another floor ha dropped be earlier and asked if I  was Ike's dad.  She then left a snack sack for him.  Not sure if he is spending his whole lunch hour with me.

Jane quizzed all doctors and nurses thoroughly and insured that they knew my past medical history.  I listen as they talk about ,"Him"  and "He".

"Believe in yourself and never, ever give up."   From a get-well card sent by Lewis Brewer

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day 38 - August 15, 2012

ANC continues its climb upward as this morning it was 2.0.  I now have an immune system for the first time in three weeks.   The docs believe that they have the infection under control even though it is not a quick fix.  The med team has converted all that was coming in by IV to pill form which is a sign.

Joyse hung with me today along with a visit from Ike.

"The question isn't; who is going to let me; it's, who going to stop me."  Ayn Rand

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 37 - August 13, 2012

ANC continues to climb and was measured at 1.4 this morning.  This is a real good sign but there is concern about an infection possibility caused by the port system installed in my chest which has now been removed.  It was nice not to be punched again for each IV procedure, but now I am on the old method.   So far the nurses have been experts at IV installing.    When the infection is terminated,  I will probably be able to head home.

Rick Ciordai,  Griffin High School friend who lives near here dropped in.  He says the weather is perfect for golf.

Amy drove over for a visit and brought baked goodies for the nursing staff.  Jane and Amy then went  to Ike's graphic design workplace for a tour.   They were very impressed. 

Joyse had the morning shift.  Always a smile.

"Dream as if you will live forever.  Live as if you will die today" -James Deane  (He did)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Day 36 - August 12, 2012

Dealt with minor "toads in the road."  The wonderful port that was installed that allows meds to be installed through the IV along with any drawings without punching any new holes started to get infected so they  removed it.  I now have 3 real IVs working in different lines.

No other real news except that I feel stronger.  Jane, Joyse, and Ike continued their visits.

"Either you run the day or the day runs you."

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Day 35 - August 12, 2012

Had some good news worth sharing.  The Absolute  Nutraphil Count  (ANC) is a measure of the amount of immunity one has.   I have been at 0 since 17 July  as this what the chemo was supposed to do.  Jut didn't kill enough of them.  So yesterday I came out of the slump to a 0.1 and today a whopping 0.4!  Normal is 1.5 but they will set you free if you can obtain a 0.5 and keep climbing. Sometimes this will go up and down during the process.

Jane and Joyse shifted off as usual.  They are really a great support group and I do appreciate the clean clothes each day.  It is good to have someine to talk to as most residents  do not seem to be interested.

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal,"  - Henry Ford

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Day 34 - August 11, 2012

In the stage of waiting for counts.  I may even record some later when they really start.

Beth,  NGC friend and Karen, also my friend as well as Beth's.   They live on Tybee Island, GA and had been on a trip to Boone.   Great yo see ya'll.

"Life is like riding a bicycle.  To keep your balance you must keep moving.".  Albert Einstein 


Friday, August 10, 2012

DAY 33 - August 10, 2012

My friemd, Steve Johnson,  departed for his home on the ocean.  Thanks, Steve for everthing expecially taking the long trip.

We had a concert in the family room here.  Lisa from Brevard brought her mother over plus Jackie, her friend.  Lisa's mother played her harp and the piano.  I think we heard all the old hymns.   It was what I needed.  Jane and Joyse kept me company.

Other News:

Dr. Polluck,  my hemotogist,  met with Jane and I to clarify options.  He says there are very few patients around who have done 3 rounds of chemo which convinced us.

Here is the plan:

1.  Remain in the hospital until blood counts go up and immunity re-bounds.  Approximately two weeks.

2.  Go home and begin de-methylating medication regimen.  Five days of IVs of Dacogen (latest and greatest new medication).  Will attack bad cells in a new way, different from chemo's attack.  Goal is still remission.

3.  Bone marrow biopsy will be done several weeks from now to see if chemo has reduced percentage of bad cells further.


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day 32 - August 9, 2012

This  is not good news but it could be worse.  The last round of chemo failed to take the leukemia cells down to the necessary 5%.  First time was 20% and this time 15%.  We will have more information to work with tomorrow when we discuss the situation with Dr. Polluck. my hemo doc. Polluck is a forward thinking young man who may have something else plus more infor on the above.  Dr. House?At this point, as we understand it, there are 3 options.

1.  Wait 7 days and do another biopsy to see if chem might still be working on killing leukemia.

2.  Do another chemo round with a different chemical.

3.  Let cells build up for a while and do maintenance to keep %. in range.

4.  Go home and drink ;)

"You can tell when you're on the right track.  It's usually uphill,"  Amish Proverb

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day 31 - August 8, 2012

Still waiting on the results of my bone marrow test which was taken yesterday.

Strange day as I developed a slight fever and the shivering shakes.   So the nurse whipped out demerol which should knock me out.  not sure what all those people who take temps, ask strange questions, and try to wake one up will do.

Got a cool letter Julia and Sara and their neighbors,  Mary and Casey.  Thanks guys you all are very talented

'Life's hard.  It' even harder when you're stupid"   - John Wayne


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day 30 - August 7, 2012

Jane and thw Brevard Methodist preachers stopped by today.  They seem to have good timing.

We prayed for the same thing.  I appreciated the visit.

I started the day with a healthy shot of morphine with a benedrill back.  I am still not sure if it 0630 or 1830. 

"A good thing  to remember is that somebody's got it worse than I have."  Joel Osteen

Monday, August 6, 2012

Day 29 - August 6, 2012  

As I have  mentioned previously,  tomorrow is the day of  the important bone marrow biopsy which will determine the next step.  It will be about two days before we know the results as the marrow has to go to Williamson Labs once again.

Ike made his daily visit which I appreciate very much.  Jane and Joyse also visited and Jane bought chocolate pound cake for the nursing staff.  Brownie points never hurt.

"It takes a worried man to sing a worried song, I'm worried now but I won't be worried long."  The Kingston Trio

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Day 28 - August 5, 2012

I received 2 units of blood today.  It seems as though I am getting more than my share, so if anyone is inclined to donate to a local bank please do so.  It will not go directly here but there is a need everywhere.

I enjoyed a special visit from Jane's sister,  Aunt Gail,  Jane's brother, Taylor, and  Gail's son, Chuck Hammock.  They are special relatives who mean a lot to me. 

Amy, My oldest daughter,  and Kevin, Amy's hubby,  brought a Hazard Deluxe Putting Mat so that I can practice putting which I sorely need to do.  Thanks for the mat guys.  The nurse of the day did not believe I was the patient when she came in and I was up putting.  Amy and Ken also brought some  of their Home Made Uncle Paul's Bar-B-Que.  Best meal I ever has in a hospital.

"It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up."  Vince Lombardi

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Day 27 - August 4, 2012 

I seem to be a regular customer of platelets as  I was the recipient of  more today.  A bone marrow biopsy is scheduled for next Tuesday.  That will represent a real milestone in this process and will determine what is next.


Cam visited today and assured that I am walking as she requires.  Cam is my cheer leader and has got that killer smile.  She is a physical therapist and good at what she does.

Ike, son,  is camping in the woods with friends so a little prayer might be in order.  The rangers do have night vision devices.

"If you ask me what I came into this life to do, I will tell you: I came to live out loud."

Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 26 - August 3, 2012

Three shiny bright stars lit up my  hospital room today. The shiny stars are Amy, daughter,and my granddaughters from Huntersville, NC which is near Charlotte.  If ever one needed a reason to keep going,  I saw three of them today. Thanks for the visit, hope you found your new school clothes on tax free day in NC.

All counts were good today so no blood or platelets.   All I did was enjoy the visit.  Joyse kept me company after the visit.

"Grandchildren are  the dots that connect the lines from generation to generation." - Lois Wyse

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day 25 -  August 2, 2012

Well,  July was a blur and August is shaping up that way.  I received two units of blood today along with a serving of platelets for dessert.   Otherwise just a normal hospital day.  "Are you sleeping okay?"

Jan, Joyse, and  Steve stopped by today.  Steve is researching the possibility that  the VA might declare that MDS and/or AML  could be a result of exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam.  We will declare and see  what happens.  Steve has copies of cases where the declared disability was approved.  It sometimes takes years for a resolution.

"Go along to get along"
"Roll with the flow"           - Words to live by in the hospital.  Often stated by Doug Wheeless

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Had a nice pleasant visit with Steve and Danielle today.  It was good to see them both.  Also Joyse and Jane stopped by.

No new leukemia news. Just sitting and walking. 

"Do not dwell in the past.  Do not dream of the future.  Concentrate the mind on the present moment." Buddha