Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thursday - February 28, 2013

Slow progress on immune system so really things are still going as planned.   Since hair was fallling rapidly, I decided to go ahead and just do it.  Still guessing dismissal early next week.  Joyse may have found a newe occupation.  See pic below.

Of course, I am now looking forward to more rapid progress so I can get out of here and visit children and grandchildren.

"Alll grandchildren are beautiful and smart, especially mine.."  Doug Wheeeless

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

 Wednesday-27 February 2013

Immune system improving but just needs to kick into second gear.   Feeling good and appetite is improving.   Loosing hair rapidly so will probably assist it with an electric razor tomorrow.,

Would  hope to get out early next week for a break before Duke.

.I will be thinking about my NGC friends as they gather for a birthday celebration at Brasstown Valley Resort.  You know that I wish I could be there.  Have a great time.

"Even if you are on the right track, you'll  get run over if you just sit there."  Will Rogers.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuesday - 26 February 2013

Unevntful day.  Immune system up one tenth and is now at .2 and must rise to .5 for movement to Duke. Doc is predicting/hoping that will happen next week.   Maybe a few days at home between.

Joyse visited today and brought more watermelon which prettymuch sustains me.

"The hardest thing about having something wise or funny to say is finding something wise or funny." Doug Wheeless (After watching toomuch daytime TV). 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday - 25 February 2013

No real change but should  be seeing some movement in immune system soon.  This whole thing is an R & D procedure but backed by good doctors and staff.

Jane visited today and continues her support even though I don't always act as I appreciate her efforts.

It is good that this blog is getting boring.

"My personal goals are to be happy,  healthy, and to be surrounded by loved ones."Kiana Tom

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sunday - 24 February 2013

Another uneventful day as far as the progress on leuk treatment goes.Waiting on counts to rise up so `we cam proceed.

Cam stopped by again today after spending. the night in Brevard.  She gave me good advice on PT exercise that I should be doing.

Even though progress is being made, I have some more hoops to jump.

Jane and Joyse watched the Daytona 500 with me which occupied some time.

"Life is like an ice cream cone, you have to lick it one day at a time."  Charles Schultz

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Saturday - 23 February 2013

What a great day!  A visit from Cam will brighten your day.    We had a wonderful visit.  She also has a good deal of suggestions of what I should be doing physically.  She is right, of course,  Iwill waslk more halls and exercise more.  Thanks, Cam,  the balloons are big and cheering.

Counts are growing slowly.  I am trying to get my ANC count up so I can move to the next step. 

"Pain is temporary.  Quitting lasts forever."    Lance Armstrong

Sorry I was late tonight, but there were two epicodes of Mayberry on TV.

Friday, February 22, 2013

After that

Friday - 22 February 2013

It is a great day!  My leuk blasts are 7% which are close enough to 5% to proceed on the transplant plan.  I will remain in the hospital for the next week or two until my ANC is up to .5.  It is presently at .1.


After that, I will spend a few days at home and then go to Duke for the bone marrow transplant.  The transplant process, as I have mentioned,  entails about 90 days of daily monitoring after the actual transplant.  Duke Hospital is looking for a donor from the national donor list.   They have extended stay apartments available near the hospital.  

I am thankful for this last successful treatment and praying for a smooth ride down the long road ahead.

Rick and Paige Ciordia stopped by today. It was good to see old friends.  Jane,  Joyse, and Ike stopped so we shared the good news.  Cam is in town and and is spending the night at our house and will be over tomorrow.

"I used to eat organic food until I read that most people die of natural causes."


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thursday - 21 February 2013

Okay, tomorrow is a day for big news.  I should get the result from my bone marrow biopsy and will go to Duke for the transplant.  That means about 90 days of staying near the hospital for daily monitoring.  At least I will not be in the hospital the entire time.

I enjoyed Jane staying here today.  Between me and the process of renovating the kitchen, she has had little time to enjoy. Steve Johnson says that she must be a saint. Let's not go overboard.  Ike stopped by for lunch and caused some laughter.  A nurse that Ike knows  who works on one of the other floors brought gifts by the room. Nice of her but perhaps she also wanted to make contact with Ike.

"Always do right.  This will gratify some people and astonish the rest."  Mark Twain

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wednesday - 20 February 2013

Uneventful day.  Back on the food bag as I'm eating watermelon, cantaloupe and grilled cheese sandwiches one after another.  Feel much better each day.  We will probably get the biopsy results tomorrow or Friday.

"There are places I'll remember all my life."Johnny Cash

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tuesday - February 19, 2013

Bone marrow biopsy today.  Will know something in two to three days.  Hopefully a slow day at the lab.  Really enjoying girl scout cookies (Samoas) and cantaloupe. 


"Who designed this kitchen.  It's so beautiful. "  Jane Wheeless

Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday - 18 February 2013

Nothing new to report.  Waiting for Wednesday's biopsy.  We'll know the results a couple of days after that.  Good to hear from from Neela and Chuck Benson today.

"Just another day in paradise."  Phil Vassar

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday - 17 February 2013

Things going along ok.  ENT doc is treating me for a sinus infection behind my right eye which has caused my headaches.  Looking forward to relief from pain.

Julia, Sara, Amy and Kevin came by for a visit today after skiing with Ike at Wolf Laurel.  It was so good to hear them talk. 

"It was great to see my ski bunnies today." Papa Doug

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Saturday - 16 February 2013

Good day. Everything clicking along as planned. Vitals and blood are as expected.  Still looking forward to biopsy about 20 February.

Had a wonderful conversation with Jim Melton today.  Good to talk to you Jim. 

Finally, heard that the 4th bear who fell off the watermelon truck was delivered to Huntersville this morning.  Enjoy!!

"To know me is to love me"....  often quoted by Jim Melton

Paraphrase of song "To know him is to love him" sung by the Teddy Bears

Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday - February 15, 2013

Good evening everyone.  Had another boring day as expected.  Looking forward to tomorrow.  Had platelets today and probably more tomorrow. 

Pictures are Vermont Teddy Bears for all grandchildren for Valentines  Day.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Thursday - 14 February 2013

"Happy Valentines Day to all my friends!!  Numbers are where they are expected to be today and I continue to handle the hospital time."


"All you need is love.  But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt."

Charles M. Schulz

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wednesday -  13 February 2013 (evening)

"Yes, meds have me a little loopey.  But numbers are where they should. "


Meds have Doug tired and a little more than loopey.  But he is ok.   He fell asleep in the middle of his dictation.  So I will let him snore and he will have more tomorrow.  Joyse


Saturday    -  13 February 2013

All is well.  I glooged when I have blogged.  Yesterday slipped by,  will blog today.

"Never pur off till today what you can do today".  ???????????chemp patient


Monday, February 11, 2013

Monday -  11 February 2013


Another good day.  New pain aide med works on sinus area ache works.  Vitals good, blood counts drifting along steadily.

Not sure why one would complain about this palace because I have:

*  Room service

*  No free direct food and lodging charges

*  Large room with frig and a view

*  A/C and cable

*  Hot water

*  Convenient   restroom

*  Two   Patient  Assistants (PAs) at my beck and call)

*   Clean sheets everyday

*  Wi-fi, credit card, and time on my hands


"Done laid around, done stayed around, this old town too long, winter's almost gone, spring is coming on.

It seems like I've got to travel on."  Bob Dylan (Modified to fit the seasons)


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday - 10 February 20

Having pretty good days,   nothing notable.  I think I realized that I have had a dull sinus area ache which is somewhat alleviated with Tylenol.  Hazard of chemo and denial,  all is under control.  More platelets  were  given today.

Jane is back on rotation.  It is good that she is back.  


BTW,  I now understand the Groundhog Day movie.

"Papa's visit was my birthday present."  Quote from Laurel  Christopher,  7 yr. old granddaughter in Cleveland,  GA.   (late again with present. )   

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Saturday - 9 February 2013

Good BP and steady temp today. Felling stronger and walking steadier.  They took blood for cultures which will be read in 2 days to see if the antibiotics have solved the infections that occurred because of the wreaking of the immune system by the chemo.   Infection came from good old me.  The fact that vitals are normal should mean that meds are working.

Jane and Josy were here  today which appreciate. Had good phone calls with Julia, Laurel, and Brother Dave.   For some reason I am rather talkative.

The doctors, nursing staff, nutritionists and housekeepers are all very professional so I am getting great care.

"Beam me up Scotty,  there is no intelligent life down here."  Dr. Spock or Captain Kirk of Startrek.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday - 8 February 2013

Another pretty uneventful day.  I appreciate all the prayers and good thoughts.  Had a great visit with Chaplain Buddy who has the common sense I like.  It's been great to have Joyse to complain to this week.  Jane's on her way back from Virginia and will be here soon.  Ike's coming by after work.

"Only the strong survive..."  sung by Jerry Butler covered later by Elvis

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday - 7 February 2013

Uneventful day.  Working on maintaining steady blood pressure.  No transfusions or platelets today.  Blood numbers up slightly.  Glad to be back in my jeans and button down.

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog." 

Mark Twain

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wednesday - 6 February 2013


Uneventful day.  Immune system still at 0 but should start increasing next week or at least by 20 Feb.    I did receive  a  blood   transfusion today and  will probably get platelets tomorrow.  Just mostly sitting here swapping thumbs.

Joyse is taking good care  and  is being a good advocate.

"Have  we  trials and temptations ?    Is  there trouble anywhere?   We  should never be  discouraged ,  take it to the Lord in prayer."   From 2nd verse of  "What a Friend"   in  The Cokesbury  Hymnal.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Chemo doing what it is supposed to do.  Transfusion yesterday which has red blood cells good but other numbers down.  ANC at 0.  But this is what is expected.

What goes up must come down, spinning wheel got to go round... Blood, Sweat and Tears

Monday, February 4, 2013

Monday- 4 February 2013

It is good to be finished with the chemo and just play the waiting game until 20 Feb  for the results.  However,  this stuff works by knocking down good red and white cells as well as bad ones so consequently I am presently receiving 2 units of blood which takes about 5 hours.  I guess tonight they will come by and take out 3 units.

Jane is on her way to VA to continue her consulting in Prince William County Schools.,  She still has a passion for the profession.

Joyse is the PA for the week and is doing a good job.  It is good to have someone around even though I am perfectly capable of independence and stuff.

We enjoyed the Super Bowl but I did not really have a dog  in  that fighi.  I, also,still like football outside with marching bands at half time like the Va Tech Hokies or the UGA Redcoats. 

I got some great drawings from Laurel and Clay today which are now on the room wall. Cam also sent some pictures of our waterfall visits while hiking here last fall. Will probably post some tomorrow on the blog.

"You know, all that really matters is  that the people you love are healthy and happy.  Everything else is just sprinkles on the sundae."



Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sunday - 3 February 2013

Yeah!  Finished  with chemo treatments.  Now we let it brew or percolate for about 15 or 16 days.  I am not strapped to an IV or anything just me and my toys and the hallways. Should be days of boredom if all goes well.  It is a good feeling.  There are chances that I might need a transfusion or infusion if red cells or platelets go too low.  But that's no big deal.

I had a great Super Bowl party considering the location.   Jane and Joyse brought in 5 layer dip and hot dogs.  Did anyone see the electrician with the red shirt?  Ike joined us a we had a great time.

Before that I Skyed with  Cam, Laurel, and Clay.  It is always a boast to see them.  


"This suspense is terrible.  I hope it will last."  Oscar Wilde

"Everything that is done in the world is done by hope."  Martin Luther

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Saturday - 2 February 2013

I am currently receiving my 2nd treatment of chemo for today.  I have the two doses tomorrow and will be finished.  Then I just wait until about 23 Feb to see if the stuff worked.   So far, no side effects.  My great chemo CNA has adjusted the time back each day so I do not finish at 2300 and also kinds of makes it possible to finish before the super bowl tomorrow.  Jane, Ike, Joyse, and I plan to watch it here in my suite.


I enjoyed Amy's visit today.  It is impossible to get down with her around.  I now have a great get well drawing from Sara on my wall and a professional neat calendar where I can mark off the days left.  No more scratching on the prison walls. 

Enjoyed Joyse today.  She keeps me in line and is also alert to what I am supposed to be doing. Jane and her are great PA's. (Patient Assistants). 

" As you walk down  the fairway of life you must smell the roses, for you only get to play one round."   Ben Hogan 

Friday, February 1, 2013


Friday- 1 February 2013

I am presently receiving my 3rd round of chemo meds which is going smoothly.  No problems and all vital signs and blood readings are good.  So no real new news in meds department.  Only two more treatments to go and then we go into the monitoring phase for about 3 weeks. 



Jane is here today with clean clothes as I do not wear the hated gown.  This sure helps the morale and I can continue to be The King Of  De Nile..


We are expecting Amy any moment now.  She is delivering the short timers calendar and pictures drawn by Julia and Sara. The walls will not be hospital beige.


Below is a picture of Buddy Corbin, NGC 70, who is the hospital Chaplain here at Mission Hospital, St. Joseph Campus.  In another life he played in a band at NGC with Scott Johnson.  He is actually teaching me to play the guitar. He is a patient man and promises to have me playing one song soon so I can drive people crazy around here.


Mother would be  proud as I dropped out of piano lessons at an early age.


"One  good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain."  Bob Marley