Thursday - 16 May 2013
Day 27
Ghost writers still on duty. It was a rather uneventful day. The EEG has been taken away because there was no evidence of seizure activity. The CT and MRI showed no abnormalities. Waiting on some cultures to grow from the Lumbar Puncture but Doug's condition continues to baffle one of Duke's finest teams. The good news is that the breathing tube was not critical but used as a preventative to assure a good airway and we hope in the near future it will be removed. He is getting nutrition which is a good thing and absolutely so zonked out that we will never recall this experience.
Please continue prayers and emails. As soon as he is able to receive them they will be shared with him. The medical staff all say that they are in this fight with him and he can recover. We hold on to hope and prayer.
Ghost writers are doing a wonderful job---we love hearing from you every night---thanks---so, so many prayers and so much love coming to you all from Griffin!