Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day 13 - July 21, 2012

Had a great visit today with old high school friends, George Gassert and Gerry Bilbro.  It was fun to discuss old times. 

A ray of sunshine passed through here today, my daughter, Cam, along with Ike,  We walked and talked.  One cannot have the mully grubs with her around. 

I read my hospital report which chronicles my stay here.  the only thing notable was a statement bu my doc which said, "Doug enjoys Bombay and tonic." 

Medically there is no real new news.  Everything that has happened is either, "expected or planned.

"Faster horses, older whiskey more money." Tom T. Hall



  1. For me it is Toby Keith: I ain't as good as I once was but I'm as good once as I ever was.

    Alas, even that is not true.

    Manly hugs from the other end of the state. Bro J

  2. I heard today you were demonstrating for the nurse how "stable" you are by standing on one foot. Don't start trying head stands, even if Ike is spotting you. Love you!
