Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day 4 -  July 12, 2012

Had a wonderful visit from my daughter, Amy Peters, and my grandaughter, Julia Peters, from Hendernsonville, NC today.  Julia  made me a short timers calendar as I have less than 30 days left.  It has blocks to check to ensure that I excercise twice per day. 

All is well and I feel normal.  I finished the three day med and have four left on the other.  This treatment is kind of like war.  The  chemo kills the good red, white, and platelet cells along with the bad and then the good cells should return after it is sorted out.

So far this is a boring experience which is okay with me.  Iam running up my e-book bill as I have completed the trilogy of " Fifty Shades of Grey."  Not a great book for the isolated hospital room!

It is once again a small world.  I met the hospital chaplin who is Buddy Corbin, NGC 1969.  His son, James, graduated from NGC in 2002. Great guy and is doing a good job.

I do not have to wear a hospital gown so stop by if you are in this hood. 


  1. Love the calendar idea!!! Maybe you will inspire others who can to walk and move about too. I love you are continuing to wear regular clothes it keeps the spirit going. Laurel and Clay say sweet prayers for you each night! See you Saturday!

    1. Looking forward to your visit. Thanks for the prayers.

  2. Loved seeing you today, you look great! Julia loved walking with you in the halls.. You are making the other patients look bad.

  3. Doug,

    Do you need a light grey silk tie for your hospital wardrobe? ;-)

    Jim Anderson '66

  4. You've been in my prayers a lot this week and I played golf today and remembered you liked it so much so I concentrated real well and shot a 39 on the back nine to win the cash from my partners. Does that mean I've got to split it with you? Larry from Griffin
