Friday, July 27, 2012

Day 19 - July 27, 2012

As the doc said, "We are just looking for 30 days of boredom."  So far, that's what is happening and today was another.  I did have a few of the usual transfusions.  For lunch I was served  platelets and pizza followed by a couple of units of blood. 

Short notes:

Cam, I walked  1.5 miles today which is 36 laps around this floor.  People are talking.


Jane visited and straightened up my dorm room. 

I continue to be the "King of Da Nile" and have no side affects or affects from AML or the chemo.

"A teacher is a person who never says anything once."  Howard Nomerou


  1. Brother...all that changes Monday! Fort Benning rules and protocol: 2 salt tablets and drive on!!! Airborne! And I'll waddle my fat butt with you on the laps...if you'll slow down! Can I take a noon nap?

    Re "King of Da Nile": in the Johnson clan we call it the ostrich. If we don't see it, it didn't happen. Worked for me for 70 years.

    Reminds me of what Mama Alice said (I sure wish she and Henry had met): the Dr said she had to quit the 2 eggs, bacon, and grits that she ate everyday of her life or it would kill her. He was right. She died of breast cancer at 83.

    Looking forward to getting inspiration from you. Bro J.

  2. Shock and awe. Be the stand out. Love you
