Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wednesday - 1 May 2013

Day 13

Slipped by day 13 with no problems.  As my white blood cell count has pretty much bottomed out, I do feel a little fatigue which is resolved by a nap.  PA said I may be now producing platelets which is a good thing.   She also said that on the protocol that I am on, this low period may last a  little longer.  Others have said that since I was slow to start maybe this would not last as long.  Beats me.  Infection and fever are still the big threats as low white cell count means no immune system.  So Whoopee!

Amy is coming this weekend and   Cam and Ike have visits scheduled in May.  Looking forward to those as well as Taylor, Jane's bother, in June.  Joyse, our steady friend,  will be back to relieve  Jane. 

"Expect touble as an inevitablr part of life and repeat to yourself, the most comfortiingt words of all;  this, too shall pass.  Ann Landers

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are moving right along with all of this. Glad things are going well and positive. You and Jane and all continue in our thoughts and prayers. Keep moving forward, Sweet Douglas!
