Thursday, January 31, 2013


Thursday - 31 January 2013

I had one round of each of my new chemoes last night with no side effects. I actually have an easy schedule as I am not attached to an IV except for the 3 hours of chemo each evening.  So I am free to roam the halls of the tenth floor (whopee).  I have also broken the code on dinner which is served at 4:30PM.  Order a cold sandwich and salad and let it sit for 2 or 3 hours.    All vital signs and blood letting readings are holding their own so I am doing good.  I know most of the staff here and they still put up with me so that helps.  I will start the second rounds of chemo at any moment now.


Joyse is here today as Jane is the foreman of the kitchen remodeling crew at home..  The new floor is in so  that is progress.  Amy arrives tomorrow with pictures and short timers calendar.  All the staff wants to know why I have bare walls, because they were  full of  pictures drawn by grandchildren during my last trip here.  They will be here soon as Cam is mailing hers and Amy will deliver hers tomorrow night.


This is a picture taken during our wonderful Christmas season at the local bowling alley.  Amy, Cam, the grandkids and I all bowled.  On the first row L to R are Clay Christopher and Laurel Christopher son and daughter of Cam,  who  live in Cleveland, GA with dad, Scott.  On the second row are Sara Peters and Julia Peters daughters of Amy, who live in Huntersville, NC with dad, Kevin.


"You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get older"   George Burns


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

As we used to say at the picture show,"I think this is where I came in."I am back in Mission Hospital in Asheville for a new type of chemo.  My hemotologist doc from here was able to arrange for me to receive the chemo in Asheville in lieu of Duke.  The treatment will last 5 days and then I remain for about 25 days of monitoring and hopefully boredom.  When the leuk blasts are successsfully lowered to below 5% I will head over to Duke for the bone marrrow transplant.

I had a great visit with Cam, Scott and my wonderful grandchildren, Laurel and Clay last Sunday and Monday.  On Monday, Cam And Scott went to work and Laurel went to school.  Clay, 4 years old, and I went to Mickey D's and had sausage and bacon biscuits.  Then when leaving McDs we saw that Burger King had an indoor play ground so we stopped  there where Clay played and I had another sausage biscuit.  We then went to the Cleveland city playground where we discovered we had left Clay's jacket at Burger King so we zipped bback over to BK and then back to the park where we enjoyed two hours of swinging, kicking balls, and stuff.  We then picked up Laurel and went to the new soda shop on the square in Cleveland.  It was a great time and good memories for this trip.

I somehow got misoriented, not lost, somewhere between Toccoa and Cornelia, GA but a nice state officer pulled me over (70 in 55) near Homer, GA on 441S and gave me directions to Cleveland and no ticket.  He simply said "Drive careful, Colonel, as I had accidently given him my military ID along with license and registration.  Also mentioned I was in GA to visit grandchildren. He also asked I could remember the directions.  (Old what). 

"If you fail, try, try again"  Not sure who originated but Mother said it often.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Saturday - 26 January 2013

We had a good but tiring trip to Duke on Thursday.  I met with several different specialist and finally the main bone marrow transplant doctor.  I think I was evaluated for my physical stamina and mental stability.  I passed the former one with flying colors but there were some close calls on the later.  I have been accepted as a viable candidate for the bone marrow transplant, but first must spend 30 days for another round of chemo in order to reduce my leuk cells to 5%,  Our doctor is confident.  We do not know if I will spend the 30 days in Asheville or Durham but should know soon as it is supposed to start on 30 Jan.

Jane's kitchen remodeling is moving forward rapidly.  All demolition is done and flooring, cabinets, counter top, sink, lights, garden window, etc. have either been ordered or delivered.  It is a pretty big mess so I think I will get a room in Asheville or Durham for 30 days or so to get away.

I plan to visit with Cam, Scott, Laurel, and Clay Sunday and Monday in Cleveland, GA.

"Keep it between the ditches."  Me

"The truth is you don't know what in going to happen tomorrow.  Life is a crazy ride and nothing is guaranteed."  Eminem

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Saturday - 19 January 2013

Woke up Friday morning to find severe hot water leak under the kitchen sink.  Results are that ServePro is removing kitchen flooring,  lower cabinets, basement ceiling dry wall, sink and counter top.  Jane wanted to remodel kitchen anyway so the demolition part is being done.  Kevin is here to help.


BTW, Interesting visit to Duke this week and not quite the news we were hoping for.  Leuk cells are up so I will need to do 30 days of in hospital chemo before marrow transplant.  Anyway, we will meet with the transplant doc at Duke next Thursday to discuss future plans.   Tentative plan is to start chemo at Duke on 30 Jan and then if chemo level is okay proceed to transplant procedure.

"I'm Fine."   Quote from Taylor B. Manley Jr. & Ali Witheridge when asked how they are doing.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Saturday -  12 January 2013

Shot week is over.  Wahoo!  I told the techs that they gave me a reason to look forward to Friday again because in retirement life each day can be most of the same. All is well and it is going to be 70 degrees today in these mountains so I am playing golf with Rick Ciordia , Griffin High School friend who now lives in Hendersonville.

 We go to Duke on 16 Jan for eval to determine if my leuk cell count is low enough to consider a bone marrow transplant.  Doc has plans for a rather lengthy stay so I guess I should start watching basketball.  I will have some real news next Sat. as we will not get test results until Friday. 

 "Savor every moment, you only get one lap!"  Advice from Ralph Colley NGC 66

Saturday, January 5, 2013


SATURDAY.  January 5, 2013


We have had a great week at St. Simons and have really enjoyed the seafood and scenery.  I think we have had our quota of fresh wild GA shrimp (I know Beth, there is no such thing as a quota for GA shrimp).  We have enjoyed the visit so much that we extended for another day and will go back to Reality, NC tomorrow.


I tried my first haircut since the loss of it from a one seat Hair Hut place from a exotic stylist named Nicole.  She is a  life long resident and gave me her story and the whole island's.  She is a hoot.  Then Jane lined me up for a manicure and pedicure which I thought was rather ridiculous since I had taken care of that with my pocket knife earlier in the week.  However, the pedicure sure felt good, almost too good.

I had a great birthday with calls from the kids and the many emails from NGC family.  Pretty special stuff. I also received gifts from Joyse who is with us on the trip and adds to the fun. Ike left a voice mail as he is usually on the move and said "He enjoyed Christmas and all the trouble we went to but really all we have to do is be together."  Took a long beach walk after that.

Looking forward to 2013 and not looking back!  Hope all have a wonderful year.


"Don't look back, something may be gaining on you.  Satchel Paige

Here is a view from the condo.