Saturday, January 5, 2013


SATURDAY.  January 5, 2013


We have had a great week at St. Simons and have really enjoyed the seafood and scenery.  I think we have had our quota of fresh wild GA shrimp (I know Beth, there is no such thing as a quota for GA shrimp).  We have enjoyed the visit so much that we extended for another day and will go back to Reality, NC tomorrow.


I tried my first haircut since the loss of it from a one seat Hair Hut place from a exotic stylist named Nicole.  She is a  life long resident and gave me her story and the whole island's.  She is a hoot.  Then Jane lined me up for a manicure and pedicure which I thought was rather ridiculous since I had taken care of that with my pocket knife earlier in the week.  However, the pedicure sure felt good, almost too good.

I had a great birthday with calls from the kids and the many emails from NGC family.  Pretty special stuff. I also received gifts from Joyse who is with us on the trip and adds to the fun. Ike left a voice mail as he is usually on the move and said "He enjoyed Christmas and all the trouble we went to but really all we have to do is be together."  Took a long beach walk after that.

Looking forward to 2013 and not looking back!  Hope all have a wonderful year.


"Don't look back, something may be gaining on you.  Satchel Paige

Here is a view from the condo.



  1. Haircut looks good! Glad you're having fun!

  2. Awesome. Wish we were there! Had a great Christmas! Loved being together! Keep looking ahead. Love you

  3. So glad I can be here for comic relief. It's been great to see you relax and enjoy the laid back atmosphere. I am really glad you saw a beautiful sunrise this morning and had the idea about staying another day. I look forward to many more adventures like this in 2013. Love you!

  4. You look great. Glad you got visit what Howard calls as "God's Country." He's from Brunswick and until I introduced him to the North Georgia mountains, he thought that the Brunswick area was the prettiest place on earth and the most relaxful. Think I've changed his mind!!. Have you in my prayers this week. Spent last weekend in Williamson and went to Bryan Whitehurst's 87th birthday party. So much fun. Take care and will check on you next week. Hugs to you and Jane.
