Saturday, January 12, 2013

Saturday -  12 January 2013

Shot week is over.  Wahoo!  I told the techs that they gave me a reason to look forward to Friday again because in retirement life each day can be most of the same. All is well and it is going to be 70 degrees today in these mountains so I am playing golf with Rick Ciordia , Griffin High School friend who now lives in Hendersonville.

 We go to Duke on 16 Jan for eval to determine if my leuk cell count is low enough to consider a bone marrow transplant.  Doc has plans for a rather lengthy stay so I guess I should start watching basketball.  I will have some real news next Sat. as we will not get test results until Friday. 

 "Savor every moment, you only get one lap!"  Advice from Ralph Colley NGC 66


  1. Glad you're done with those shots! We are also enjoying 70degree weather with Sara's horse show today. I just sent in my "test kit" to be a bone marrow donor with "Be the Match". Figure if I'm praying for someone to be the match for you, I can be the match for someone else! Love you

    1. Thank you Amy. Good luck to Sara and her horse. Congrats to Julia for being on two cheer teams!

  2. Safe travels to Duke on Wednesday Doug (and Jane). Duke is an awesome place and its good to know they are evaluating you for a transplant. Looking forward to the day you whip AML! I guess if it's 70F in the mountains of NC, we should quit complaining about it being 76F in the normally hottest place in GA (Macon). I have enjoyed your quotes for it has made me realise how wise you are...or in the words of Amos Bronson Alcott: "One must be a wise reader to quote wisely and well." and you have had some excellent quotes :-). Keep looking for the Blessing in all this!

  3. Tried to post on Saturday and it wouldn't go through. Sorry to hear you didn't get the news we were all hoping and praying for. Guess we need to pray a little more and a little more specific the next few days and weeks.
    Been holding up my end of the praying the last few days as I knit a prayer shawl for the mother of a little boy who is ill. Thinking of how I learned to knit at your grandmother's. You and Jane and have been in my prayers more as I pray when I'm not counting stitches!!
    Remember all of the bedroom shoes she knit all of us - and then started over when she finished getting all of us new ones? Wish I still had a pair of mine - just for the memories of wearing them. I remember one Sunday we were knitting there in the dining room. Of course this was back when stores were not open on Sundays and all you did was go to church or sit on the porch or in the living room. We were knitting away - on a pair of bedroom shoes - and the front doorbell rang. She told me to hide my knitting, it might be the preacher. I remember stuffing them under the cushion in the rocking chair where I was sitting (as if that was a good enough hiding place.) She or your granddaddy went to the door and it wasn't the preacher but Mr. Lovic's brother. I think it was Pink. Mrs. Wheeless was so relieved that we didn't get caught knitting!!!
    Tell Jane I envy her getting a new kitchen, but not the way she got it. Hope you have a good week. Prayers will be going up - pearl 1, knit 1, pearl 1, knit 1, prayer, prayer, repeat the pattern!!
    hugs and blessings,
