Friday, February 22, 2013

After that

Friday - 22 February 2013

It is a great day!  My leuk blasts are 7% which are close enough to 5% to proceed on the transplant plan.  I will remain in the hospital for the next week or two until my ANC is up to .5.  It is presently at .1.


After that, I will spend a few days at home and then go to Duke for the bone marrow transplant.  The transplant process, as I have mentioned,  entails about 90 days of daily monitoring after the actual transplant.  Duke Hospital is looking for a donor from the national donor list.   They have extended stay apartments available near the hospital.  

I am thankful for this last successful treatment and praying for a smooth ride down the long road ahead.

Rick and Paige Ciordia stopped by today. It was good to see old friends.  Jane,  Joyse, and Ike stopped so we shared the good news.  Cam is in town and and is spending the night at our house and will be over tomorrow.

"I used to eat organic food until I read that most people die of natural causes."



  1. It IS a great day!!! Congrats on scoring low, Doug! Way to go!

  2. We are thrilled, thrilled, thrilled with this news---how fantastic! Tons of love coming from snowy,cold Breckenridge!!!!

  3. Awesome! have had you on my mind all day. so glad to hear this news. Hugs and prayers to all of you.

  4. Doug,

    At this point in your journey, it doesn't get much better than this (for now). We're on the downhill slide now. WOO HOO!!!!
