Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day 20 - July 28, 2012

I started on my last IV jug of chemo today and will finish in 24 hours.  Then, once again, it will time to wait and see if my cell count in the bone marrow drops to  zero and then builds the good cells.  It will be checked on day 14 from the restart which will be around Monday, 6 August.


Thanks  to Glenda from NGC for explaining chemo head to me.  I think I have had it and did not recognize the affects even though I have been claiming not to have any.    I think it is kicking in tonight after the fourth jug.  My favorite RN sang Christmas carols and the graduation song to me tonight.  Strange, but I think one has to be to work here. 


BTW the chaplin here who is the NGC graduate tells me that NGC&SU will soon be NGU.  Is that true, Liz?  I have been in here so long that it could be old news.  Did not mean to drift off course but I am.

Guess I will spend the remainder of my time watching the O's all day on the tube.  I was disappointed today when beach volleyball turned out to be the guys but will now look forward to  the girls. 

Speaking of Strange:

"I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet, strange, I am ungrateful to those teachers.  Khalil Gibran 



  1. And patience from the impatient.
    Yes NGU merged with Gainesville college. Growing. Crazy.
    Had a great DC trip.old friends familiar places.

  2. Doug, We were in Dahlonega last month. We took Daddy up to his place on Lake Lanier for a couple of days. Drove around Dahlonega and the campus, then on to Ellijay for apples. We are going up next week for the month of October to watch the leaves change and hit up all the festivals. The campus has really grown the last several years. I'll eat some pecan fudge and divinity from the fudge shop for you. won't be as good Mrs. Wheeless' but then neither are Graham Biscuits!!!
