Friday, July 13, 2012

Day 5 - July 13, 2012

I have completed the last serving of the three doses of Daunorubicin which is given through an IV via a syringe about the size of the one my Dad used on cattle.  I am continuting with Cytarabine for another 3 or 4 days which is given continuously throgh the IV.  They put two ports into my chest so that no more sticking is needed which is good.  So far I have no side effects and feel the same as I did when I arrived at this camp.  I could probably still hit the golf ball at least over 220. 

My main doctor stopped by today and proclaimed that everyathing was proceeding as planned.  I  believe that I will continue to folloe that. 

Had a  wondeful visit again today from  my daughter, Amy, and my grandaughter, Julia.  There is no moping around when those two are near.  Jane made her usual helpful visit with clothes and pogey bait.  I am not losing weight as I am hungry and get special treatment from the mess hall. For example, today I had a big cheesburger with onion rings while others had limp chicken.  Julia made my favorite which is banana bread made with my grandmother's recipe,

Next there was a great visit from my old Griffin High School friend, Rick Ciordia, and his wife Paige.  Rick and Paige only live about 20 minutes from us but we did not discover this until last month as out 50th high school reunion.  I played golf at Rick's very beautiful Champion Hills Golf Club with him before this venture.  It is good to have old friends nearby,

Cam and Scott, the parernts of my other set of grandchildren will be by tomorrow so there is no slack time around here,  Best wishes to you all.

"If you find a pathway with no obstacles,  it probably doesn't lead anywhere."*

*Amish Proverb - Suzanna Fisher




  1. Good to spend time with you these last couple days, good up the good work there solider, love you

  2. Can that port handle Class VI Store products? Might look into that. Bro J
