Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day 9 - July 17, 2012

I finished the chemo treatment today and so now I get to spend 20 days or so here under observation  to see if it works and to ensure that all side effects are handled immediately.  So far all is proceeding as planned.   I will get a platelet transfusion tonight as they are getting rather low.  I now have no IV and walk the halls free without any tower or anything.  I've been told that I look like just another visitor, only better dressed.

I need to give a special recognition to Ike for his attentiveness and regular visits.  He has become a real morale booster which I appreciate very much.  He stops by at lunch each day and eats here in the room in spite of his busy work schedule. Last night, he brought organic flax cereal and milk along with a package of chocolate booster drinks plus a milk shake.   Yes, Ali, I am now eating flax!

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life;  it goes on."  Robert Frost


  1. Glad things are still going well. Hopefully Ike is not doing backflips in the hallways, you never know. Love you! Amy

  2. Grateful for another smooth day. Check off first step of the process! IKE, you are awesome. Dad, keep being different.

  3. Doug, really enjoying the blog! Get well soon. Chuck

  4. Sweet! I knew you had it in you, Doug. Next thing... tofu. Way to go, Ike. You're such a good influence! Miss ya'll and very excited to see you in a month (from today)! Doug - keep kicking ass and keeping everything lively on that floor! Love ya.
