Monday, July 16, 2012

Day 8 - July 16, 2012

Just another normal day at camp.  No side effects except a little fuzziness at lunch.  One shot neat would have helped.  I am completing my last bag of Cytarabine chemo which I have been taking via IV for 6 days.  Tomorrow I will be finished with the chemo and will just sit and wait to see if it takes.  In other words, kills all the bad and good cells which will allow the good ones to grow back without the bad. 

My test for a blood marrow match came back today so Brother Dave's should be back soon and we will know if he can be my donor or if I will have to be subject to the national pool which takes 3 to 6 months to complete.  I have asked him not to get hit by a beer truck during this time. 

As this time in the process, I will start receiving blood transfusions to ensure that levels do not drop too fast.  This is still the Induction Phase which will last until about 8 August when I enter the so called consolidation phase.  How about the Freedom Phase after that?

By the way, my friend from Griffin High, Rick Ciordia,, retired anaesthesiologist, said he would now nickname me Chemosaybe as Tonato use to call the Lone Ranger, Kemosahtee. Hey, do you remember what Tonto said when the Lone Ranger said," Tonto, we are surrounded by 10,000 Indians what can we do?"  Tonto replied, "What you mean WE, White Man,"

Jane dropped by today with PJ.  She thought I wanted pajamas but actually the text request from me was for Prune Juice.  A hazard from the handful of iron pills taken daily. 

"Life is more manageable when thought of as a scavenger hunt rather than a surprise party."- Lewis Grizzard


  1. Bring on the FREEDOM phase. Love it.

  2. Doug,

    Larry Stover emailed me about his visit with you last week in Asheville, and on my way back from Texas, I stopped to see him in Griffin yesterday. I'd like to get up to see you on Saturday if you'll still be in the hospital, and your medical schedule can accomodate that visit. Please let me know if that is possible, and the best time for me to come for the visit. We live southeast of Charlotte in rural Union County, NC, so its about 165 miles from our house to the hospital. Stephanie and I had hoped to see you and Jane at the 50th reunion in Griffin last month, but had a conflict we could not avoid.

    Hope to see you soon.

    George Gaissert
    cell: 817-301-2657

    1. I am my normal old self and would love to see yall. Early afternoon is good. Doc keeps predicting that chemmo side effects will come forth and if so I may not be much fun.Will let you know if I start feeling like crap.

  3. Grizzard quotes. Now we're talking. There was a true philosopher.

  4. Greeting from Key West, hang in there, love you
